====== Bash (Bourne-again shell) ====== [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash|bash (Bourne-again shell)]] ===== Cool .bashrc ===== http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tools/17142.html ####################################################### # Dave Crouse's .bashrc file # www.bashscripts.org # www.usalug.org # # Last Modified 04-08-2006 # Running on OpenSuSE 10 ####################################################### # EXPORTS ####################################################### PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/festival/ ;export PATH export PS1="[\[\033[1;34m\w\[\033[0m]\n[\t \u]$ " export EDITOR=/usr/bin/pico export HISTFILESIZE=3000 # the bash history should save 3000 commands export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups #don't put duplicate lines in the history. alias hist='history | grep $1' #Requires one input # Define a few Color's BLACK='\e[0;30m' BLUE='\e[0;34m' GREEN='\e[0;32m' CYAN='\e[0;36m' RED='\e[0;31m' PURPLE='\e[0;35m' BROWN='\e[0;33m' LIGHTGRAY='\e[0;37m' DARKGRAY='\e[1;30m' LIGHTBLUE='\e[1;34m' LIGHTGREEN='\e[1;32m' LIGHTCYAN='\e[1;36m' LIGHTRED='\e[1;31m' LIGHTPURPLE='\e[1;35m' YELLOW='\e[1;33m' WHITE='\e[1;37m' NC='\e[0m' # No Color # Sample Command using color: echo -e "${CYAN}This is BASH ${RED}${BASH_VERSION%.*}${CYAN} - DISPLAY on ${RED}$DISPLAY${NC}\n" # SOURCED ALIAS'S AND SCRIPTS ####################################################### ### Begin insertion of bbips alias's ### source ~/.bbips/commandline/bbipsbashrc ### END bbips alias's ### # Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi # enable programmable completion features if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi # ALIAS'S OF ALL TYPES SHAPES AND FORMS ;) ####################################################### # Alias's to local workstations alias tom='ssh -l root' alias jason='ssh -l root' alias randy='ssh -l root' alias bob='ssh -l root' alias don='ssh -l root' alias counter='ssh -l root' # ALIAS TO REMOTE SERVERS alias ANYNAMEHERE='ssh YOURWEBSITE.com -l USERNAME -p PORTNUMBERHERE' # My server info removed from above for obvious reasons ;) # Alias's to TN5250 programs. AS400 access commands. alias d1='xt5250 env.TERM = IBM-3477-FC env.DEVNAME=D1 &' alias d2='xt5250 env.TERM = IBM-3477-FC env.DEVNAME=D2 &' alias tn5250j='nohup java -jar /home/crouse/tn5250j/lib/tn5250j.jar 2>>error.log &' # Alias's to some of my BashScripts alias bics='sh /home/crouse/scripts/bics/bics.sh' alias backup='sh /home/crouse/scripts/usalugbackup.sh' alias calc='sh /home/crouse/scripts/bashcalc.sh' alias makepdf='sh /home/crouse/scripts/makepdf.sh' alias phonebook='sh /home/crouse/scripts/PHONEBOOK/baps.sh' alias pb='sh /home/crouse/scripts/PHONEBOOK/baps.sh' alias ppe='/home/crouse/scripts/passphraseencryption.sh' alias scripts='cd /home/crouse/scripts' # Alias's to control hardware alias cdo='eject /dev/cdrecorder' alias cdc='eject -t /dev/cdrecorder' alias dvdo='eject /dev/dvd' alias dvdc='eject -t /dev/dvd' alias scan='scanimage -L' alias playw='for i in *.wav; do play $i; done' alias playo='for i in *.ogg; do play $i; done' alias playm='for i in *.mp3; do play $i; done' alias copydisk='dd if=/dev/dvd of=/dev/cdrecorder' # Copies bit by bit from dvd to cdrecorder drives. alias dvdrip='vobcopy -i /dev/dvd/ -o ~/DVDs/ -l' # Alias's to modified commands alias ps='ps auxf' alias home='cd ~' alias pg='ps aux | grep' #requires an argument alias un='tar -zxvf' alias mountedinfo='df -hT' alias ping='ping -c 10' alias openports='netstat -nape --inet' alias ns='netstat -alnp --protocol=inet | grep -v CLOSE_WAIT | cut -c-6,21-94 | tail +2' alias du1='du -h --max-depth=1' alias da='date "+%Y-%m-%d %A %T %Z"' alias ebrc='pico ~/.bashrc' # Alias to multiple ls commands alias la='ls -Al' # show hidden files alias ls='ls -aF --color=always' # add colors and file type extensions alias lx='ls -lXB' # sort by extension alias lk='ls -lSr' # sort by size alias lc='ls -lcr' # sort by change time alias lu='ls -lur' # sort by access time alias lr='ls -lR' # recursive ls alias lt='ls -ltr' # sort by date alias lm='ls -al |more' # pipe through 'more' # Alias chmod commands alias mx='chmod a+x' alias 000='chmod 000' alias 644='chmod 644' alias 755='chmod 755' # Alias Shortcuts to graphical programs. alias kwrite='kwrite 2>/dev/null &' alias firefox='firefox 2>/dev/null &' alias gaim='gaim 2>/dev/null &' alias kate='kate 2>/dev/null &' alias suk='kdesu konqueror 2>/dev/null &' # Alias xterm and aterm alias term='xterm -bg AntiqueWhite -fg Black &' alias termb='xterm -bg AntiqueWhite -fg NavyBlue &' alias termg='xterm -bg AntiqueWhite -fg OliveDrab &' alias termr='xterm -bg AntiqueWhite -fg DarkRed &' alias aterm='aterm -ls -fg gray -bg black' alias xtop='xterm -fn 6x13 -bg LightSlateGray -fg black -e top &' alias xsu='xterm -fn 7x14 -bg DarkOrange4 -fg white -e su &' # Alias for lynx web browser alias bbc='lynx -term=vt100 http://news.bbc.co.uk/text_only.stm' alias nytimes='lynx -term=vt100 http://nytimes.com' alias dmregister='lynx -term=vt100 http://desmoinesregister.com' # SOME OF MY UNUSED ALIAS's ####################################################### # alias d=`echo "Good Morning Dave. today's date is" | festival --tts; date +'%A %B %e' | festival --tts` # alias shrink84='/home/crouse/shrink84/shrink84.sh' # alias tl='tail -f /var/log/apache/access.log' # alias te='tail -f /var/log/apache/error.log' # SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ####################################################### netinfo () { echo "--------------- Network Information ---------------" /sbin/ifconfig | awk /'inet addr/ {print $2}' echo "" /sbin/ifconfig | awk /'Bcast/ {print $3}' echo "" /sbin/ifconfig | awk /'inet addr/ {print $4}' # /sbin/ifconfig | awk /'HWaddr/ {print $4,$5}' echo "---------------------------------------------------" } spin () { echo -ne "${RED}-" echo -ne "${WHITE}\b|" echo -ne "${BLUE}\bx" sleep .02 echo -ne "${RED}\b+${NC}" } scpsend () { scp -P PORTNUMBERHERE "$@" USERNAME@YOURWEBSITE.com:/var/www/html/pathtodirectoryonremoteserver/; } # NOTES ####################################################### # To temporarily bypass an alias, we preceed the command with a \ # EG: the ls command is aliased, but to use the normal ls command you would # type \ls # mount -o loop /home/crouse/NAMEOFISO.iso /home/crouse/ISOMOUNTDIR/ # umount /home/crouse/NAMEOFISO.iso # Both commands done as root only. # WELCOME SCREEN ####################################################### clear for i in `seq 1 15` ; do spin; done ;echo -ne "${WHITE} USA Linux Users Group ${NC}"; for i in `seq 1 15` ; do spin; done ;echo ""; echo -e ${LIGHTBLUE}`cat /etc/SuSE-release` ; echo -e "Kernel Information: " `uname -smr`; echo -e ${LIGHTBLUE}`bash --version`;echo "" echo -ne "Hello $USER today is "; date echo -e "${WHITE}"; cal ; echo ""; echo -ne "${CYAN}";netinfo; mountedinfo ; echo "" echo -ne "${LIGHTBLUE}Uptime for this computer is ";uptime | awk /'up/ {print $3,$4}' for i in `seq 1 15` ; do spin; done ;echo -ne "${WHITE} http://usalug.org ${NC}"; for i in `seq 1 15` ; do spin; done ;echo ""; echo ""; echo "" ################### Begin gpg functions ################## ## Requires: zenity, gpg encrypt () { # Use ascii armor gpg -ac --no-options "$1" } bencrypt () { # No ascii armor # Encrypt binary data. jpegs/gifs/vobs/etc. gpg -c --no-options "$1" } decrypt () { gpg --no-options "$1" } pe () { # Passphrase encryption program # Created by Dave Crouse 01-13-2006 # Reads input from text editor and encrypts to screen. clear echo " Passphrase Encryption Program"; echo "--------------------------------------------------"; echo ""; which $EDITOR &>/dev/null if [ $? != "0" ]; then echo "It appears that you do not have a text editor set in your .bashrc file."; echo "What editor would you like to use ? " ; read EDITOR ; echo ""; fi echo "Enter the name/comment for this message :" read comment $EDITOR passphraseencryption gpg --armor --comment "$comment" --no-options --output passphraseencryption.gpg --symmetric passphraseencryption shred -u passphraseencryption ; clear echo "Outputting passphrase encrypted message"; echo "" ; echo "" ; cat passphraseencryption.gpg ; echo "" ; echo "" ; shred -u passphraseencryption.gpg ; read -p "Hit enter to exit" temp; clear } keys () { # Opens up kgpg keymanager kgpg -k } encryptfile () { zenity --title="zcrypt: Select a file to encrypt" --file-selection > zcrypt encryptthisfile=`cat zcrypt`;rm zcrypt # Use ascii armor # --no-options (for NO gui usage) gpg -acq --yes ${encryptthisfile} zenity --info --title "File Encrypted" --text "$encryptthisfile has been encrypted" } decryptfile () { zenity --title="zcrypt: Select a file to decrypt" --file-selection > zcrypt decryptthisfile=`cat zcrypt`;rm zcrypt # NOTE: This will OVERWRITE existing files with the same name !!! gpg --yes -q ${decryptthisfile} zenity --info --title "File Decrypted" --text "$encryptthisfile has been decrypted" } ################### End gpg functions ##################